Who We Are
The delivery of KCA University Foundation Mandate is guided by the following Vision, Mission and core values;

Our Mission
To effectively mobilize resources for the realization of KCA University’s Vision.

Our Vision
To inspire partners to invest in KCA University’s vision to be a Premier Business and Technology University of Choice

Core Values
Community and
Our Core Values

We shall promote justice, impartiality and diversity in all our dealings

We shall infuse every action with honesty, fairness, and respect for our esteemed clients and colleagues alike;

We are a responsible, committed, and involved as a responsible
corporate citizen

We accept our individual and team responsibilities, and we meet our commitments. We take responsibility for our performance in all of our decisions and actions.
What We Do
Since the foundation’s inception in 2013, the KCA University Foundation’s purpose has been to help meet the development, scholarship, endowment and innovative needs of KCA University.

How we do
KCA Foundation exists to be a long-term partner with the University and to provide counsel, advocacy and resources through Foundation engagements that will serve to achieve the goals and priorities developed collaboratively with the University Management Board for University Advancement. KCA University Foundation is mandated through the University statutes and its articles to serve and represent the University in its fundraising and advancement initiatives such as infrastructure, research, innovation, scholarships and entrepreneurship.
Our Strategic Pillars
KCA University Foundation’s strategic plan is anchored under the following strategic pillars:
Engaging donors, investors and strategic partners to advance KCA University Foundation's fundraising activities.
Aligning the University's vision to donors' passion, in order to cultivate a high-trust partnership between KCA University Foundation and the strategic partners.
Grow & Sustain
Growing KCA University Foundation's funding sources for the future of KCA University.
Accountability to all our partners, donor and community in respect to utilization of the funds, projects and activities of the Foundation.
Our History
he KCA University Foundation was established in 2013 as a trust with key focus on scholarships for students at the time. The focus was on students who had qualified to take up degree courses at KCA University but was not able to progress with their studies for lack of tuition fees. Besides scholarships, the foundation was also charged to undertake fund sourcing to finance research activities and infrastructural development of the University. The foundation was registered as a trust and all funds collected towards this purpose were directed towards a University bank account in the name of the foundation. In December 2021 KCA University established the KCAU Foundation to be the special purpose vehicle, registered as a company limited by guarantee to assist in its resource mobilization and advancement initiatives with strategic focus on Scholarships, Endowment, Capital Projects, Research & Innovation.
Our Achievements
- Number of full scholarship 17
- Endowment fund 5.6m million currently endowed