KCAU Scholarships

KCA University has established a scholarships fund that aims at increasing access to education for students of different carder whose dreams of accessing education have been deemed due to lack of school fees hence providing various attractive scholarship options to allow them to realize their dreams.
We have remained committed to supporting the less fortunate students by supporting them through different aspects of scholarship programs ranging from the Chancellor’s scholarship program to named scholarships where specific donors are allowed to name the program upon giving a donation of not less than KES 2,000,000 ($20,000) which is applied as per policy while taking care of donor’s interest. Currently, 11% of the students receive financial aid either through scholarships, sponsorships, bursaries or other forms of support while funds received from respective donors are applied in full for the benefit of the students.
Work Study Program is another form of students’ financial aid which allows the beneficiaries to undertake particular roles in the University while they receive some payments which are deductible to first offset their fee balances and then allow excess earnings be paid directly to the student’s account. Donors are equally encouraged to invest in this arrangement with naming options allowed depending on the prevailing terms.
This work-study program has assisted over 3,700 students with the chancellor’s scholarship program and other named scholarships assisting 37 students since inception, the University, therefore, remains committed to partnering with donors to ensure adequate financing for these programs while expanding its scope and transforming more lives.
We accept whatever amount of gift one intends to donate to the foundation towards this course, however, encourage more donors and partners to come on board and take up the offer to donate a minimum of KES 2,000,000 ($20,000) to establish a named scholarship which will provide financial aid to an undergraduate student for the 4 years of his/her degree.