Mr. Sitoyo Lopokoiyit
The KCA University Foundation was established in 2021 with key focus on scholarships for students at the time. Since its inception, the foundation’s main aim is to support infrastructural development, scholarships, endowment, innovation and research activities of The University. To this end, it is meant to mobilize, receive, invest and steward contributions and donations to assist the University’s growing infrastructural needs in accordance with provisions of the Foundation’s memorandum and articles of association, University Statutes, policy, regulations and donor specifications.
Foundation has distinguished itself as a not-for-profit organization that has remained true to the spirit of its establishment. The establishment of Foundation’s Board of Directors will ensure the implementation and monitoring of the Foundation’s operations while ensuring best practices. Accordingly, the Board will ensure that the objectives of the foundation are met while commitments made to the donors, funders and partners are equally honored. Innorder to realize this, the Board will adopt a formal relational working strategy that involves engagement of respective governance organs of the University: The University Management Board,
University Council and the Board of Trustees. The Foundation Board through its secretariat will ensure well-coordinated stewardship and donor relations approaches are applied.
The Foundation takes cognizance of the importance of serving and working with all the stakeholders of the University. Our stakeholders are students, faculty, staff, alumni, friends, parents, founders, corporations, foundations and neighboring communities among others. KCA University Foundation in discharge of its mandate to mobilize resources for KCA University presents its strategic plan 2022 – 2026 which will be anchored on four strategic pillars; engage, align, grow, account and Grow & sustain.